Naturopathic Associations
After graduating, it is important to join Naturopathic Associations in your country in order to gain credibility for your degree, as well as being able to practice Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine in your country
Given that there are so many Naturopathic Associations in so many countries around the world, it is impossible to keep track of all of them. However, we are confident that most of these will accept our graduate students, given the extensive training that they receive, the number of hours completed, and the clinical training that is an important part of the training.
If students require help with Naturopathic Associations in their country, we will write to them personally and negotiate with them in order to accept students in your country who graduate from our Institute.
Associations List
The following Associations accept our graduates qualifying from the University of America to join their Association:
General Council and Register of Naturopaths, UK
PanCyprian Association of Naturopathy (Cyprus)
PanHellenic Naturopathic Association (Greece)
Hong Kong China Naturopathic Medical Society (Hong Kong)
Japan Naturopathic Medicine Society (JNMS)
Swiss Association of Naturopaths with Federal Diploma (SANFD)
Saudi Arabia Association of Naturopathic Doctors (SAAND)
Diplomates of American Academy of Natural Health Sciences
Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (FNTP), UK
Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA), UK
European Federation of Naturopaths, (EFN)
Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council ( CNHC), UK
European Federation for Naturopathy (EFN- ECHAMP) . echamp.eu
European Federation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. efcam.eu Union Europeene de Naturopathie. naturopathy-union.eu
Association for Natural Medicine in Europe – ANME-NGO.eu. https://www.anme-ngo.eu
American Council for Holistic Medicine (ACHM), http://www.theachm.org/
Consortium of Universities for Global Health,Washington DC, 20036, USA. www.cugh.org.
Complementary Medical Association, www.the-cma.org.uk
International Association of Natural Health Practitioners (IANHP), www.ianhp.org
American Naturopathic Certification Board, |[email protected]
American Naturopathic Medical Association
International Iridology Practitioners Association, IIPA. www.iridologyassn.org
International Institute for Complementary Therapies, IICT. www.iict.com.au
American Association for Natural Wellness Practitioners (AANWP) at www.aanwp.com
American Board of Holistic Medicine
Complementary Medical Association U.K.
Curacao Naturopathic and Osteopathic Medical Council
Curacaco Naturopathic Nurses and Midwifery Registration Council
World Council and Register of Naturopaths, Osteopaths and Homeopaths