
Bach Flower Remedies Course

This Bach Flower Remedy online course will give you a thorough understanding of the Bach flower remedies so that you can begin taking histories and prescribing in clinical practice immediately upon completion of the course. The Bach Flower Remedy online course is compulsory for students enrolled in the Bachelors in Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine but can also be taken as a stand-alone course where a Diploma will be awarded upon completion of the  coursework assignments. Students will learn about the history of the remedies, Dr. Bach’s philosophy, how these remedies are made, how to take a history and prescribe, details of each of the 38 remedies (Materia medica) as well as Rescue remedy, as well as how to use flower remedies with animals.

Bach Flower Remedies for Mental Health Online Course


Bach Flower Remedies for Mental Health Online Course

These are the specifications of the Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine’s

Bach Flower Remedies for Mental Health course:

1. Awarding Institution / Body: Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
2. Teaching Institution: Online and distance learning, with tutor support
3. Programme Accredited by: Professional Naturopathic Course
4. Final Award Bach Flower Remedies for Mental Health Diploma
5. Programme title: Bach Flower Remedies for Mental Health online course
6. Course Code and level: BFRMH
7. Duration of program: One trimester or 12 weeks
8. Total number of study hours: About 120 study hours
9. Enrolment requirements: None
10. Enrolment date: Anytime
11. Fees: Full payment: €440 euros; Installment plan: €154 per month for 3 monthly payments (5% extra).

To pay in 3 monthly instalments (€154/month), click the INSTALMENTS button below:



This Bach Flower Remedy online course will give you a thorough understanding of the Bach flower remedies so that you can begin taking histories and prescribing in clinical practice immediately upon completion of the course. The Bach Flower Remedy online course is compulsory for students enrolled in the Bachelors in Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine but can also be taken as a stand-alone course where a Diploma will be awarded upon completion of the coursework assignments. Students will learn about the history of the remedies, Dr. Bach’s philosophy, how these remedies are made, how to take a history and prescribe, details of each of the 38 remedies (Materia medica) as well as Rescue remedy, as well as how to use flower remedies with animals.


In this Diploma course the student will:

* Review the history of Dr. Bach and the famous Bach remedies

* Understand the beginnings of modern-day use of flower remedies

* Understand the effects of the Bach remedies on the mental, emotional and spiritual body

* Know the difference between Mother Tinctures, stock, and dosage bottles

* Know the proper dosage amounts for self, children, and the elderly

* Plant signatures

* Understand the process for choosing an essence for yourself and others

* Understanding the healing crisis

* Learn how to use flower remedies to help animals heal

* Client intake forms & case evaluations

* Using Bach Flower remedies with Pregnant Women, in Childbirth, Breastfeeding, and with Babies.

Lesson 1 – History of Dr. Edward Bach & the Flower Remedies

Learn about the full story of Dr. Bach including his medical training, how he developed the Bach nosodes in London, how he began his work with the Bach remedies, how he discovered the Bach remedies, and his publications. There are some interesting historical photos, videos, and downloadable books written in the 1930s.

Lesson 2 – Philosophy of Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Bach’s philosophy is as simple as it is profound. He carried an innate understanding that life on the physical plane of existence is intended to be a conscious partnership between the personality aspect of ourselves and the part that is eternally connected to our Creator – the Soul. This is the message of all the great Sages and Masters of the past. It is the unchanging truth of the Universe and one that we still collectively need to remember in order for us to be able to bring our world and ourselves into balance and harmony.

Lesson 3 – Making Bach Flower Remedies

In this lesson you will learn that making a flower essence is much more than following a procedure, it’s a time of truly connecting with the plant’s spirit and its healing energy. Not only is it a sign of respect and gratitude, but it is also amplifying the frequency at which the essence resonates, as the more energy you put into your essence, the more it will give to you. The Sun Method and the Boiling Method are discussed in detail.

Lesson 4 – Administering Bach Flower Remedies

Some of the basics and subtleties of prescribing and administering the Bach Flower Remedies are discussed, including the use of an extensive questionnaire to help identify the specific remedies that the person really needs. There is extensive Coursework covering topics such as how to administer remedies to adults, infants, children, pregnant mothers, animals, and plants. All the remedies are examined, along with specific case studies.

Lesson 5 – Repertory of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies

All 38 remedies are discussed in detail with downloadable .pdf files on each of the remedies and their use, as well as a verbatim description by Dr. Bach himself. The remedies are also discussed by types such as Despondency and Despair, Lack of Interest, Fearful, Uncertainty, Oversensitive to Others, Over-concern for Others, and Loneliness.

Lesson 6 – The 38 Remedies

By the end of Dr. Bach’s career, he had discovered a total of 38 remedies, along with the Rescue Remedy which is discussed in detail in a separate lesson.

Lesson 7 – Rescue Remedy

This was the final remedy discovered by Dr. Bach and because of its importance and popularity, this lesson is devoted to it.

Lesson 8 – Bach Flower Remedies and Animals

The flower remedies were already being used on animals as early as 1939 and Bach himself insisted that the remedies be used with animals and plants. Nora Weeks, a colleague of Bach who administrated the Bach Centre upon his death in 1936 stated: “Animals suffer from moods in the same way as human beings, and so indicate their state of health. The Remedies help man and beast alike.” This lesson contains the basics of how to treat animals using Bach remedies, including how to choose the correct remedies.

Lesson 9 – Bach Remedies in Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Babies

Bach Flower remedies can also be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding, during childbirth, and young babies can also greatly benefit.


As soon as you have completed all nine lessons, then you will be ready for your Final Exam – this consists of 35 true/false, multiple-choice, and short-answer questions to be completed in 60 minutes.


There are some interesting case studies to download for revision purposes, as well as a bibliographical list of some of the scientific research that has been conducted to date on Bach Flower remedies.


All the course material is online including lessons, downloadable .pdf files of each lesson for working offline, assignments, and final exam. In addition, there are many interesting historical books (complete text) that can be downloaded as .pdf files). There are many interactive videos to watch as well as quizzes to stimulate learning.


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