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Michalis Koutsouli

Researcher of Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine.
Dr Michalis Koutsoulis initially studied at the Center for Humanistic Studies & Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece, for a Diploma in Sociology and Journalism in 1987

Experience & Activities

Dr Michalis Koutsoulis initially studied at the Center for Humanistic Studies & Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece, for a Diploma in Sociology and Journalism in 1987.  Then followed further studies for a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Sports Science from the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in 1988.
In 1992 Dr Michalis Koutsoulis completed his Master of Sciences in Education, Concentration in Physical Education at the St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York, USA.

In 1995, Dr Michalis Koutsoulis attended St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York, USA, and was awarded an Educational Doctorate (Ed. D.) in Instructional Leadership.

In 2010 Dr Michalis Koutsoulis completed his Master in Business Administration Program (MBA), Management at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus.

Dr Michalis Koutsoulis has held a number of positions such as:

9/2008 – Today                  Secondary schools: Position: Physical Education and Sports Science teacher. First Aid teacher

9/2008 – Today                  University of Nicosia: Position: Adjunct Professor

9/2004-6/2008                 University of Nicosia: Position: Assistant Professor

5/2000-7/2000 &

5/2004-7/2004                St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York, Exchange visiting Professor

9/2001-6/2004                Department of Education, Intercollege Lefkosia

9/1999-6/2001                Department of Education, Intercollege Lemesos

9/1996-6/1999                Department of Education Program Coordinator, Intercollege Larnaka

9/1995-9/1996                AMER/NIELSEN Research company, Researcher, Data analysis

9/1990-7/1993                Corona Greek Parochial School, New York. Physical Education teacher

Areas of Concentration/ Research Interests

Current Research:          Teaching of Physical Education and Sports in school. Physical Education and racism Vs. acceptance. Student’s wellbeing in secondary schools

Previous Research:         School effectiveness, Teacher teaching characteristics

Professional Associations

Cyprus Educational Society, Special Interest Group – Physical Education Member

Greek Educational Society

American Educational Research Association

 Funding obtained

KOA: Young athletes in Cyprus (2003-04)

IPE: The Cypriot family (2003-04)

IPE and Family Association: One-parent families (2005-06)

Ministry of Justice: Youth delinquency (2006-07)

European Project NETTLE (2007-08)

IPE: Citizenship (2007-09)

 Other Scholarly Activities   

MERA, IPE supervisor: European Project with Paliometocho Elementary school, Archangelos Technical School, Junior high school Latsia

Research by students, University of Nicosia: Agios Dometios and Latsia secondary school

Topics: Addiction to Internet (2010), Human relations at school (2011). Friendship among students in Physical Education (2013), Physical education and racism (2014)

Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (ANAD) registered instructor of SPSS seminars

Coordinator of students’ seminar in Agios Dometios Junior high school. Topic: Co-intuition equals Co-existence: Athleticism as a tool for acceptance

Participation in the 24th Pancyprian theatrical school competition: Choreography

Coordinator of the Physical Education department at Latsia Junior High School



Senate, Intercollege (2002-2005)

Research committee, Intercollege (1997-1999)


Advisor of Physical Education and Dance activities in the Kindergarten school Felicita

Student teaching supervision

Student final year projects supervision (MBA and Education)

Board member for the Pancyprian Examinations in Physical Education and Sport Science

Reviewer for the book: Growing a soul for a social change by Tonya Huber-Warring


Dance Teaching (Sports Science)

Foundation of Teaching and Pedagogy in Physical Education (Sports Science)

Decision Making and Tools (SPSS) (MBA program)

Educational Research and Statistics (Education)

Research Methods in Business (Business Administration)


Ethnikos Latsion Pan-korasides Volleyball team, Latsia 2011-2013

Gymnasio Agiou Dometiou Basketball team 2008-2011

Gymnasio Latsion Basketball team 2013-2014

High school Cyprus Dance Competitions 2008-2011

Voluntary work

Teaching dance at Ethnikos Athletic team, Latsia

Volunteer in Games of the Small States of Europe 2009

Blood donor


Playing football

Dancing (Greek and Cyprus dances, Zoumba)

Outdoor activities

Gardening and Construction


Research and publications

Doctoral Dissertation:

Dr Michalis Koutsoulis .  (1995).  Home environment and its relationship to self-concept, attitude toward school, educational aspirations, career expectations, and achievement of high school students in Cyprus.  Doctoral Dissertation, St. John’s University, New York.

Chapters in Books

Koutsoulis, M. (2007). Teacher Evaluation through Inspection: The Point of View from High School Teachers in Cyprus In K. Mutua & C. S. Sunal (Eds.), Research on Education in Africa, the Caribbean and the Mid East, The University of Alabama (pp. 337-357). Greenwich, CN: Information Age Publication.

Dr Michalis Koutsoulis . (2004). Teacher and teaching characteristics for acceptance: A unique synthesis. In K. Mutua & C. S. Sunal (Eds.), Research on Education in Africa, the Caribbean and the Mid East, The University of Alabama (pp. 283-308). Greenwich, CN: Information Age Publication.

Campbell, J. R. & Koutsoulis, M. (2004). Cross-cultural Instrumentation: Overriding Frameworks. In J. R. Campbell, k. Tirri, Ruohotie, P & H Walberg (Eds.), Cross-cultural Research:  Basic Issues, Dilemmas, and Strategies (pp. 15-26). Hameenlinna, Finland: Research Centre for Vocational Education, University of Tampere.

Dr Michalis Koutsoulis & Makrides, Gr. (2001). Classroom culture and math achievement. In A. Gagatsis (Ed.) Learning in mathematics and science and educational technology (pp. 337-347). Nicosia, Cyprus: Intercollege press.

Koutsoulis, M.  (1999).  SES and family processes.  In J. R. Campbell (Ed.), Equity studies on the international scene:  Studies from the United States, Europe and Asia.  Jamaica, NY:  Center for Global Studies St. John’s University.

Referee publications

Dr Michalis Koutsoulis & Avraamidou, L. (2010). High school students’ perceptions of their physics teachers in Cyprus.  Education, Knowledge & Economy, 4:2, 89-102.

Koutsoulis, K. Μ. (2008). How high school students evaluate their physics teacher. Epistimes tis Agogis. Greek Educational Science, 3, 195-224.

Koutsoulis, K. Μ. (2008). In the eyes of the students: How Lyceum students evaluate their Physics teacher. Epistimes tis Agogis, 3, 195-224 (Educational Sciences, Greek).

Koutsoulis, K. M. (2007).  Teachers aggressive verbal behavior: The other side of violence in the classroom. Paidagogiki Epitheorisi, 43, 105-120 (Educational Review, Greek).

Koutsoulis, M. & Campbell, J. R.  (2001). Family processes affect students’ motivation and achievement in Cypriot high schools. Structural Equation Modeling: A multidisciplinary Journal, 8(1),  108-127.

Koutsoulis, K. M. (1998).  The definition of the mechanism of the home environment that influence students’ achievement. Paidagogiki Epitheorisi (Educational Review, Greek), 28, 83-99.

Referred Publications

Koutsoulis, M. (in press).Physical education at school and physical activity. Parousia.

Koutsoulis, M. (2011). How high school teachers perceive inspection at schools. Parousia, 20, 51-59.

Koutsoulis, M. (2005). Deciding for the future for high school students: Ability or social destiny? Journal of Business and Society, 18(1&2), 187-201.

Koutsoulis, M. (2003). The characteristics of the effective teacher in Cyprus public high school: The students’ perspective. Arlington, VA: American Association of School Administrators. (ERIC Eric Document Reproduction Service No. 478 761

Koutsoulis, M. & Epiphaniou, D.  (2000).  Family environment, parents’ educational aspirations and socioeconomic status of preschool children. New Peadea, (Greek) 95, 134-154.

Koutsoulis, K. M. & Campbell, J. R. (1997).  Behavioral home environment and its relation to motivation and achievement: gender, place of residence and socioeconomic status differences. Cyprus Review, 9, 65-87.

Koutsoulis, Μ.  (1997). The organizational climate of the elementary schools in Cyprus and its relation to perceived effectiveness. Journal of Business and Society, 10, 283-291.

Koutsoulis, K. M., & Tarter, C. J.  (1997). Organizational health of the elementary school and its relation to perceived effectiveness. Cyprus Educational Review, 5, 65-71.

Koutsoulis, K. M.  (1996).  Students’ aspirations and achievement: Empirical data and observations from Cyprus Lyceums. New Peadea(Greek), 79, 25-39.


Gagatsis, Α., Evaggelidou, Α., Ftiaka, Ε., Kiriakides, L., Tsaggaridou, Ν. & Koutsoulis, Μ. (2004). Proceedings of the 8th Pancyprian Symposium of the Cyprus Educational Society. New trends of the educational research and practice.

Gagatsis, Α., Ftiaka, Ε., Kiriakides, L., Tsaggaridou, Ν. & Koutsoulis, Μ.. (2002). Proceedings of the 7th Pancyprian Symposium of the Cyprus Educational Society. The educational research in the era of globalization.

Conference Presentations

Koutsoulis, M. (2014/October). Teaching Physical Education at Junior High school: Effects on students’ physical activity. Presented at the 13th Meeting of the Cyprus Educational Association, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Koutsoulis, M. (2014/October). Teaching Physical Education at Junior High school: Effects on students’ physical activity. Presented at the 13th Meeting of the Cyprus Educational Association, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Koutsoulis, M. & Davarouka, Ch. (2014/October). Racism in Physical Education. Presented at the 13th Meeting of the Cyprus Educational Association, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Koutsoulis, M. (2014). Physical activity and its relationship with Physical Education at school. Presented at the 17th symposium of Physical Education Teachers Association of Northern Greece. Thessaloniki. Greece.

Koutsoulis, M. (2010/May). Attitude toward school: Age differences. Paper presented at the 2nd meeting of the Hellenic Developmental Psychology, Alexantroupoli, Greece.

Koutsoulis, M. (2008/March). Behavioral home environment and its relation to motivation and achievement. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, USA.

Koutsoulis, M. (2008/July). Delinquent Juveniles and the School. Paper presented at the meeting of XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin, Germany.

Koutsoulis, M. (2007/May). School effectiveness: An opinion from the stakeholders (teachers, students and parents). Paper presented at the International Sociological Association, Lefkosia, Cyprus.

Koutsoulis, M. (2006/Sep.). Teacher evaluation in the high school: students’ opinion. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the European Educational Research Association, Geneva: Switzerland.

Varnava, M. & Koutsoulis, M. (2006/Oct.). Teacher inspection and in-service training as means for teacher and school improvement. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Commonwealth Council of Educational Administration and Management. Lefkosia: Cyprus.

Koutsoulis, M., Petrou, S. & Hatzikyprianou, P. (2006/Oct.). Effective school management: Synthesis of research studies in Greek schools. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Commonwealth Council of Educational Administration and Management. Lefkosia: Cyprus.

Koutsoulis, M. (2005/April). High school students’ evaluation of their teacher’s effectiveness in Cyprus. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montréal, Canada.

Koutsoulis, Μ. (2005). The family and how delinquent students understand it. Article presented at the 1st symposium of the Psychological Society of Northern Greece. Ioannina: Greece.

Koutsoulis, M. & Michailidou, M. (2004/April). Teacher verbal behavior: The other side of aggressiveness in the high school classroom. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, USA.

Koutsoulis, M. (2004/August). Aggressive verbal behavior of teachers in the high school in Cyprus. Paper presented at the XXVIII  meeting of International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.

Koutsoulis, M. & Charalambous, M. (2004). The problems that high school students face and their suggestions for improvement. Paper presented at the 4th meeting of the Greek Educational Society, Alexantroupoli, Greece.

Koutsoulis, M. & Charalambous, M. (2004). Juvenile delinquency and the school. Paper presented at the8th meeting of the Cyprus Educational Society, Lefkosia, Cyprus.

Koutsoulis, M. (2003/Nov). Quality in education: from the student perspective. Paper presented at the symposium from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus. Lefkosia. Cyprus

Koutsoulis, M. (2003/April). The characteristics of the effective teacher in Cyprus public high school: the students’ perspective. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, USA.

Koutsoulis, M. (2002/April). Teacher characteristics, classroom culture, and teacher evaluation from students. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, USA.

Koutsoulis, M. (2002/April). Teacher characteristics, learning environment and teacher evaluation from students: The case in Cyprus lyceums. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, USA.

Koutsoulis, M.  (2001/April).  Teaching and production in the classroom: The case in Cyprus lyceums. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, USA.

Koutsoulis, M. Campbell, & J. R.  (2000/April). The effects of home environment and student motivation in shaping the achievement of high school students within three SES groups.  Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, USA.

Koutsoulis, M.  (2000/June).  The classroom climate and its’ relation to family environment and achievement. Paper presented at the XXVII International Congress of Psychology.  Stockholm, Sweden.

Koutsoulis, M. (2000/March). Family environment, classroom culture, the student and school achievement. Paper presented at the 5th meeting of the Cyprus Educational Society at Lefkosia.

New submissions

Koutsoulis, M. Ioannou, A. (2018/April). Students’ wellbeing in secondary schools. To be presented at the 3th Meeting of the Greek Sociological Association, Nicosia, Cyprus.