Studying through the Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine has been life changing and a blessing in my life. I changed my career to help myself with Hashimoto Thyroiditis...
Having just finished my Bachelors of Science in Holistic Medicine with the Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine, I’m thrilled to share my experience. The various courses were taken...
I enjoyed my experience taking courses from Da Vinci College of Natural Medicine for the Doctorate of Holistic Medicine. The classes were very well thought out; fun to take...
In my years studying as an undergraduate in New Jersey City University in The United States, I learned that knowledge grows with humility, dedication, and an open mind. While...
I am honoured to have qualified with the Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine from the Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine. The Doctoral course is well-rounded and practical,...
Dr. George took me through a very comprehensive diagnostic programme that is unique to the Da Vinci Center of Holistic Medicine called the IDEL Diagnostic Programme. This not only helped me...
I have just completed the Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine course from the Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine and it was a great and rewarding experience. I believe that...